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When I Turned Nineteen Hardback cover book – $25.00 plus priority mail postage $3.00 for a total of $28.00 Paperback book – $15.00 plus priority mail postage $3.00 for a total of $18.00
Soldiering After The Vietnam War Hardback cover book – $23.00 plus priority mail postage $3.00 for a total of $26.00 Paperback book – $14.00 plus priority mail postage $3.00 for a total of $17.00
Finding My Platoon Brothers Hardback cover book – $26.00 plus priority mail postage $3.00 for a total of $29.00 Paperback book – $16.00 plus priority mail postage $3.00 for a total of $19.00
Promises to the Fallen (Book 1) Hardback cover book – $26.00 plus priority mail postage $3.00 for a total of $29.00 Paperback book – $15.00 plus priority mail postage $3.00 for a total of $19.00
Return to the Madness (Book 2) Hardback cover book – $24.00 plus priority mail postage $3.00 for a total of $27.00 Paperback book – $14.00 plus priority mail postage $3.00 for a total of $17.00
Revenge Is Coming (Book 3) Hardback cover book – $23.00 plus priority mail postage $3.00 for a total of $26.00 Paperback book – $13.00 plus priority mail postage $3.00 for a total of $16.00
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