Available Kindle at Amazon and Barnes & Noble Glyn Haynie carries the names of 13 brothers forever engraved on his heart. They are the names of brothers killed in combat during the War in Vietnam. The bonds formed in battle are unique and not understood by anyone who has not served in the military. The men in their foxholes do not fight for lofty ideals or principles; they fight to protect the man standing on either side of them. For these Vietnam Veterans, there is an additional element included within this bond of brotherhood. That is the disrespect and abuse these soldiers received when they returned from Vietnam. This newest book by author Glyn Haynie, Finding My Platoon Brothers, Vietnam Then and Now, describes his efforts to find and reconnect with his brothers of First Platoon. These men, with whom he served during the War in Vietnam, are a real part of his family. Join the family reunion as these veterans get together and share their experiences, rekindle past friendships, and reforge their bonds of brotherhood. Travel back to Vietnam with the author as he visits old battlefields and former Fire Support Bases and reconnects with, and comes to peace with, the memories of brothers who died in battle. This incredible story of honor, healing, and redemption will touch the hearts of readers in a great many ways. The author includes many photographs, maps, journal excerpts, and well-written descriptions that help the reader truly participate in this incredible journey. This story is a fantastic narrative that all Americans should read. |
Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9982095-7-9
eBook ISBN: 978-0-9982095-8-6 Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-9982095-6-2 Pub Date: February 2019 Paperback Price: $16.99 eBook Price: $6.99 Hardcover Price: $28.99 Trim Size: 6 x 9 inches Page Count: 304 Format: Trade Paperback; ebook; Hardcover; Audio Publisher: Glyn Haynie Available from Barnes & Noble, Amazon and Bookstores Nationwide |
The excerpts Glyn selected to close the book are like a trip back in time, and really put you there with these young men; the tributes and obituaries which make up its final quarter are a beautiful touch, and, unsurprisingly, its saddest part. I love books, but rarely have I paid one such respect - I simply could not put it down, telling myself "just one more chapter", and there was no way I was going to consider it finished until I had certainly read every obituary; every post-script; every appendix, excerpt and caption. For the work Glyn has put into it, and the sacrifices which begot it, it deserves no less.
Glyn is an excellent writer and an indisputably genuine top-quality author. Clearly a project of passion and obsession, he has done his research about his platoon brothers - alive and fallen - in intensive detail. Needless to say, "Finding my Platoon Brothers" is professionally written and flawlessly proofed.
This is a book rich in tribute, yet even richer in inspiration, and while veterans may relate to it, non-veterans can learn a lot from it - no less than the real meaning of trust, and the importance of people, to each other.
Matt McAvoy, Author
Mike Dankert and Glyn Haynie at the August 15 Site
June 16, 2018 - Video by David Haynie |
Mike Dankert and Glyn Haynie at the August 13 Site
June 17, 2018 - Video by David Haynie |
Driving to My Lai June 19, 2018
Video by David Haynie
Video by David Haynie